Friday, January 26, 2007

Lab 2 Post


Information is not easily defined; however the article, “The Nature of Information” defines information as an action of informing; formation or molding of the mind or character, training, instruction, teaching; communication of instructive knowledge. Information is not a specific area or field that can be narrowed down. It is know as the basis of all communication. Information is based off of relationships among signs, objects, and things. A person is informed by signs that represent symbols, and those symbols refer to information that people understand. Semiotics is the discipline that studies sign systems. There are three types of symbols: Icons, which are direct representations of objects; Indices, which are indirect representations of objects, but necessarily related; and Symbols, which are arbitrary representations of objects, which require exclusively a social convention to be understood. One thing that makes sharing information difficult is the language barrier that exists in the world today.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Infoport: Library of Babel

Infoport: Library of Babel

The Library of Babel was a short story written by Jorge Luis Borges. It states there is a library that is filled with an infinite amount of books that are the same size and contain that same amount of letters and lines per page. This place has rooms that are like hexagons and every room is the same. There is every book ever imaginable in this library, which fascinated many people who sought out to find this immaculate treasure.


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